Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Saturday afternoon .....Holualoa Street Festival

Holualoa is the sleepiest of towns, an art colony, a lovely village in the sky and the site of the Holualoa Street Fest on the first Saturday of the Kona Coffee Cultural Festival... Coffee farms from Holualoa to Honaunau display their wares in kiosks and the street fills with people. For Boutique coffee farms of unquestionable pedigree and single vineyard distinction it is  an opportunity to gather together, for much of coffee selling is an internet affair. But its quite lovely, and lets you visit with and taste the wares of dozens of fabulous Kona coffee farms

Holualoa was where coffee farming was revived by japanese farmers in the 1890's.  The people in the picture above, the owners and progenitors of Waiaha River Coffee Company, are the third generation of their family to grow and sell this coffee, direct descendents of the original farmers.

The former buddhist temple in Holualoa has been turned into a private residence in the middle of town, but what a beautiful cottage in the sky.

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