Sunday, March 1, 2009


 What the game is called depends on where you are from. Boulle or Pentanque, either way it is the same game. And on the main square of St Paul de Vence, in sight of my window at the Colombe d'Or, every afternoon the men of the village gather for several hours of this wonderful communal game as the sun fades from the sky.  These men are town character, an unchanging array of faces and wizened smiles as they ply their steel balls towards their target, acknowledging each others luck and brilliance with shrugs and heated discussion

And this is how the main square where the ritual takes place looks from the Devil Dogs hotel window at La Colombe d'Or. The rythym of a village is often found on its courts where Boulle...or Pentanque...continues each day...unabated...whether I am there or not.

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