Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bright eyed and bushy tailed at breakfast

It was early in the season so we found we had much of the Chateau St. Martin to ourselves, which gave us the feeling of our own fully staffed mansion at our disposal.  Breakfast is served here in this magnificent room. In the back you can see the portal for the omelet chef to take your individual requests.

If it can be believed this is the semi-formal dining room. The views stretch endlessly to the Mediterranean Sea. The atmosphere at breakfast is one of complete serenity, casual elegance that is timeless in its essence. Breakfast is an elegiac experience  suspended in an almost timeless moment that is over all too soon.

Breakfast, like so much about Cheateau St. Martin, is truly  like something out of fantasyland. Sitting in a wide open space with incredible views, exceptional personalized service, made to order omelets and specialties, it has the air of wandering into the sanctuary of your own mansion.

We were none the worse for wear after a great evening, bright eyed and bushy tailed with a side order of bleary. The day lies ahead. We go forth to the city of Vence below.

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