Friday, May 29, 2009

Galerie Regards in the old city of Vence

Along the cobble stone streets within the old city of Vence stands the Galerie Regards, the art gallery of Caroline Hauptman, a former retoucher at the Louvre who has pursued her art with florid style and grace at this beautiful corner of Vence. The Devil Dog is always in search of the artist, the genuine article, a person who stands alone to display their passion with clarity and precision, tempestuousness and fierce confident determination.  We find it in many places and we found it at Galerie Regards with Caroline. Thats her and my wife Alison below standing in her 800 year old stone studio and gallery.

We wandered into her shop and were pleased to discover that it was an art studio as well as a gallerie, for there she was in the act of painting, surrounded by her other works in various stages of completion, and full of the vitality and active engagement that displays a person on fire inside.  Below is her workspace in the middle of the shop, her working canvas surrounded by paints and the furbishments of her trade.  Caroline was a delight and a talented artist that speaks to a growing community of regional artists practicing their craft because they are driven to do so.

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