Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tales of Telluride

Telluride creates a space in your head unlike any other place I have ever been.  And that is just the Skiing. Telluride is a  god-like creation of majestic peaks, backcountry heli-skiing, awesome front side diamonds, remarkable cuisine and a fairy tale like town that rocks as hard as it entertains.  The Devil Dog LOVES Telluride, and since winter is approaching, and since I teased it several posts ago, heres a little look at the awesome treachery and mountain adventure that is Telluride.

Above you can see the ridiculous back country peaks that are the staple of heliskiing.  This picture is actually taken from the helicoptor as we swooped in toland on a nearby peak.  On the peak.  At the very top.  And then the helicoptor goes away. And there is only one way down...and thats down.

But I digress, because the terrain at Telluride Ski Resort itself is equally challenging and stimulating. Above we see the view from the top of the mountain. This is the top of a run that leads to the legendary front side diamonds.

Below is the snow on the bough of a tree.

And this is what you see when you get off the lift at one end of the top of the mountain. But this is no ordinary mountain top.  On my last trip there we had over three feet of snow over 4 days, creating a true wonderland of vertical delight.  The front side diamonds were especially amazing, Milk Run in particular.

This is an aerial view of the INTERMEDIATE slopes on the back bowl area.  
And this is the back country looking down from halfway down a run in the wilderness.

There's little left to a mans life after the exhilaration of a quintessential ski adventure. Thats the feeling the Devil Dog always gets in Telluride.  Winter is coming. Can you hear the snow?

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